Welcome to Shenzhen Guangyu Precision Model Co., Ltd.
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What materials can the company's machinery and equipment process?Current location :Home > What materials can the company's machinery and equipment process?


        Shenzhen Guangyu Precision Co., Ltd. can process all plastic materials and metal materials without material selection and special machine processing. For specific material content, please check the technical center on the website for detailed instructions.

Contact: Mr Tao
Tel: 188-2651-8878
E-mail: szgymx@163.com

About Ud  Service  Products  Technology  Contact Us

  • Prototype Factory: 3rd Floor, Building 17, Shajing 98 Industrial Zone, Baoan District, Shenzhen
  • Metal Processing Factory: 1st Floor, Building 5, Gangtou Industrial Zone, Shajing, Baoan District, Shenzhen
  • Copyright: Shenzhen Guangyu Precision Model Co., Ltd.
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